Accreditation for Berlin Fashion Week is now closed. Please contact the organisers and designers directly.

All events and contacts can be found in the official schedule of Berlin Fashion Week.

Thank you for your understanding.

Accreditation for fashion industry professionals planning on attending the shows and side events of Berlin Fashion Week in July 2024 is now open. Please note that the accreditation is reserved for fashion industry professionals attending the events in a work capacity. Fashion professionals are press representatives, buyers, influencers/content creators, stylists, photographers, broadcasters (TV/online), sales agents and similar.

Important note - please read carefully before the registration:

  • Berlin Fashion Week does not provide invitations to shows and side events.
  • Berlin Fashion Week will provide your contact information to the brands and organizers.
  • All invitations remain at the discretion of each brand and event organizer.
  • By submitting your request, you agree that the BFW may share your contact details with the brands and organisers, in order for them to contact you regarding invitations and information about the show/event.

Registration is open until 23.06.2024. After that, you need to contact the event organizers directly.

1. First name *

2. Last name *

3. Position *

4. Company/Media *

5. Email *

6. Website *

7. Sample of Work (feel free to share an article, a campaign, etc. that you have created).

8. Instagram handle *

9. Would you like to add a personal message? *

10. Please confirm before registration *