Press Release
Since 2014, more than 20.000 people have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, many more are missing. The creative agency Dojo would like to actively help and has launched the initiative "Verantwortung tragen", for which it works together with well-known designers and labels to collect donations for the Sea-Watch sea rescue association. One of the campaign's supporters is the Berlin-based designer Marina Hoermanseder, who has designed a series of statement pieces for the "Verantwortung tragen" collection in cooperation with refugee youths. All profits generated by the sale of the pieces from the limited collection will be donated to Sea-Watch.
Marina Hoermanseder has given her collection the slogan "My friend came over the ocean" and wants to make a clear statement:
"The sweaters that I make together with young fugitives from THE POETRY PROJECT are not just pieces of clothing, but should stand for their very personal stories. It is important to look, listen and let your heart speak - there are many people on this planet who do not have the privilege of living in prosperity and being raised in it. Fates move me and I am grateful to have the chance to work with young people, to be connected with them and to be creative in order to get the message – the appeal to humanity – across through the sweaters".
In order to reach younger audiences, the initiative was able to win over high-profile ambassadors such as presenter Palina Rojinski, singer Lena Meyer-Landruth and actor Kida Khodr Ramadan to spread the campaign in the social media.
Furthermore, all participating labels and the creative agency Dojo have launched the website Verantwortungtragen.org, which provides further information and an online shop.