Press Release
The second edition of the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit from 7 - 9 September 2021 is dedicated to the topic of ecosystems and explores how circular systems with a positive impact can be integrated into fashion. At the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit, interdisciplinary experts will discuss issues with a local focus on the Berlin ecosystem as well as the topic of quality as a sustainability factor and how meaningful rating systems can be designed.
After the successful first edition during Berlin Fashion Week in January this year, 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit will take place digitally for the second time from 7 to 9 September 2021. Hosted by studio MM04 in collaboration with Sqetch and the Beneficial Design Institute, the upcoming edition will revolve around the key theme of ecosystems. Because global and local ecosystems are the basis of life, the foundation and the inspiration for promoting quality of life. In order to find holistic and agile solutions for shaping a sustainable future of fashion, the focus during this edition of 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit will be on the relationships in circular and ecosystems and how they can provide positive impact.
The programme will be summarised in the three main themes:
#1 Circular systems - How can positive impact be thought of and designed?
#2 Local ecosystems - How can positive impact be organised and promoted?
#3 Evaluation systems - How to define quality and measure impact?
"The future of fashion is being negotiated in Berlin. The 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit offers the ideal platform for this. This is where sustainability trends are highlighted, value creation and products are rethought and the bridge between innovation, sustainability and creative culture is built. Especially in times of global crises, we need spaces for constructive-critical but also creative and culturally open dialogue." Ramona Pop, Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry
The aim of 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit is to bridge the gap between existing sustainability innovations and the industry's need for pragmatic guidelines for a successful transformation towards a more sustainable fashion economy. At the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit, concrete new alliances for existing value chains will be formed and forward-looking solutions for fashion will be presented.
The aim is to design circular and ecosystems with a positive social, cultural and ecological impact. In addition, questions around the collection and processing of scientific data as a basis for the measurability of positive impact will be discussed. The definition of (new) quality standards that integrate sustainability factors will be the topic on the third day of the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit.
Speakers for the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit will be, in addition to Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart, founder and scientific director of the EPEA, representatives of Sympatex, Armedangels, Circular.Fashion and Orsola de Castro, founder of the international Fashion Revolution campaign will be there.
For an in-depth discourse, the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit is designed in two parts
The Pop Up Think Tank is not open to the public and will take place in the run-up to the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit. In the workshops of the Pop Up Think Tank, experts will discuss current issues and topics that will be discussed at the public 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit in a trusting and constructively critical manner.
At the public part of the 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit, compact and inspiring contributions will be presented to a broad industry audience under the three main themes.
"As a leading all-digital fashion house, The Fabricant is connected to the direction of 202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit. We are known as advocates of a post-waste fashion industry that is shifting its activities from the physical to the digital. So it's great to see the 202030 Summit committed to creating conversations about how fashion can change to have a positive impact on our world." Amber Slooten, Co-Founder/Creative Director, The Fabricant
For more information and an updated programme, visit www.202030summit.com.