The MBFW doesn’t just seem reduced but also appears to be of higher quality and more impressive than ever. The fashion show’s focus is on supporting young up-and-coming talents and giving them an attention attracting platform for their presentation, right next to the big, well-known brands. Since Mercedes wants to push the digitalization, the fashion platform will be available to watch via live stream so that the broad audience can have access. That’s how the MBFW democratises the otherwise very exclusive fashion shows and follows the examples of Paris and London.
© Harf Zimmermann / ewerk Berlin
The Event, which lasts three days and includes 10 fashion shows altogether, will start with the opening show by Dawid Tomaszewski. In the past, the brand impressed with the innovative design, highest technical quality and love for detail, which made it become an inherent part of the fashion scene.
On Tuesday, IVANMAN, who impressed with an authentic menswear collection that combined minimalistic fits and clear lines in the past, will be the opening show of the day. Followed by Ewa Herzog, who stands out with clear feminine cuts, intensive colours and high-quality textiles, and shows by Cashmere Victim and Riani. For the final show of the day, Mercedes-Benz in collaboration with ELLE will present the international up-and-coming, German-speaking designer CALLISTI. The brand will present its Fall/Winter-Collection which is dominated by futuristic looks with muted colours and detailed designs.
The opening show of the last day will be held by Sportalm Kitzbühel, followed by Irene Luft and Maisonnoée. The grand finale will be the fashion show by the sportswear brand Bogner.
The MBFW schedule (invitation only):
Monday - 15.01.
Tuesday - 16.01
Wednesday - 17.01.
More informations about the MBFW: http://mbfw.berlin/
The Schedule of the Berlin Fashion Week: http://www.fashion-week-berlin.com/kalender.html