In the beginning of the 18th century the Hausvogteiplatz was the Hotspot for fashion in Berlin. Onehundred years later the legendary „BerlinChic“ came up. With the fall oft he wall the fashion scene in Berlin gets a new Highlight: the openminded and electrifying atmosphere oft he fashion scene in Berlin attracted fashion designer and creatives. Berlin became more and more the most fashionable city in Germany.
With the opening of the Bread & Butter and the Premium Exhibitions in 2003 the Berlin Fashion Week begun. From then on more than ten fashion fairs and a lot of fashion presentations take place during the Berlin Fashion Week.They are already established at the national and international ausdience. The Fashion Week counts around 200.000 visitors (professional audience) each season.
With the participation of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in 2007 the Berlin Fashion Week gets more media attention. In 2014 another plattform for fashion presentation was established: the Berliner Modesalon. From than on young and established designer show their collections at Kronprinzenpalais.
From the 18th until the 22nd January 2016 the Berlin Fashion Week will take place fort he 13th year and presenting young and estabished designer.
What do the Berlin Fashion Week means for the location Berlin?
The Fashion Week stands for an economically addtional service (hotels, gastronomy, retail, taxi industry, service provider) about 120 million Euro per season.
The development of the fashion location Berlin in numbers:
Berlin Fashion Week in Zahlen und Fakten
Next tot he etsablished designer, which shows their collections every season at the fashion fairs and Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, the fashion design schools form new talents.
Some designers from Berlin with national and international awards: Annelie Schubert (Hyères)
To strength the young talents in Berlin and to simplify their start into the industry the land Berlin promote them in different topics.
Berlin´s Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research supports since 2007 in single- and infrastructure projects with around one million Euros per year.
The land Berlin is responsible together with the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research / Projekt for the support with Seed-Investments, grants and other investments with over 10 million Euros to grow the Berlin Fashion Week and the fashion industry in Berlin.
How do the support look like?
The support of the single and infrastructure projects of the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research amounts around. one million Euro per year.
The land Berlin together with the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research/Project Future supported already with over 10 million. Euro.
From the beginning until now the Berin fashion Week counts now tot he top 5 fashion locations worldwide.
More information you will find here: