Born in Düsseldorf, Anita Tillmann has turned her love to fashion into a flourishing career. Tillmann understands her trade better than anyone else in the business. Moreover, she always considers the entire supply chain – from materials, cutting techniques and production processes to marketing and sales.
We met multi-talented managing partner and mother Anita Tillmann for an interview! Learn more about the inspiring woman and her thoughts on the future of fashion!
"The idea of the FashionTech came up on the sofa at home. Because my husband and me, we share each others passion – my passion is obviously fashion, and his passion is digitalization – and we both thought about, how to bring these worlds together. I think that Berlin is in a stage, that brings everything together, the creative people wit the startup-scene and that was so involving, that everybody looks on it and it was quite obvious to bring these worlds together."
"First of all Berlin is the best city in the world. And I’m very happy and proud to be here. Berlin is a kind of nonconformist. We don’t have an establishment, we don’t have old traditional fashion rules, so that allows us on the other hand to be very open and to always try and to be innovative and to see, what kind of things we can do. In terms of fashion the whole wearbles scene turns into smart textiles. Its about invisible textiles, invisible technology and how you can actually produce prototypes and let your textiles and fabrics communicate with you."
What is the biggest potential of Smart Wearables?
"The biggest potential for smart wearables is the health care industry. Because this is something that you really need and it is useful. So the future in technology is developing so fast, exponentially so high, that I guess AR, VR, robots, artificial intelligence are going to be part of our future."
See the whole interview here: