Since 12 experts of the fashion industry founded the Fashion Council Germany in January 2015, the expectations are very high that fashion in germany gets more important than ever.
Changes after last year.
The first step of the Fashion Council Germany was to create a Mentoring Program to support new fashion talent in co-operation with the „Senat für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Forschung“ . In July 2015 as part of the Fashion Week Berlin they announced the two Designers who got “Mentees” of the first program: Nobieh Talaei and Marina Hoermanseder.
Both designers got the chance to be supervised by different mentors like Michael Berner, CEO of the textile agency Berner und Sohn, Roel de Cooman, Häberlein & Maurer Head of Sales adidas Style Collaborations on behalf of adidas AG and Oliver Janik, Chief People Officer DDB Group Germany. While workshops and coaching the two designers experienced a lot of support. Nobieh Talaei talks about “a big chance” and Marina Hoermanseder describes the relation ship as “very familiar”. “The talks always happened on eye level. If we had questions or we did not know what to do next, the Mentors are still available to help us.”
Together with the Fashion Council Germany Nobieh Talaei and Marina Hoermanseder traveled to Paris to present their designs at the first international Berliner Modes Salon. Big names like Karl Lagerfeld and Suzy Menkes visited the showroom which was a important experience for the young talents.
In the early steps of its development in 2015 the FCG had also a very important conversation with the European Union at a conference called “The Future of Cultural and Creative Industries” . Fashion Councils president Christane Arp and managing director Anita Tillmann represented the FCG and their ideas in Brussels. They engaged for a sponsorship of the creative businesses and the fashion design in germany in connection to the in investment plan of the EU.
Targets of the FCG are less of a economic nature and more to promote consistently den german fashion design and to make fashion to an important economic factor in germany. The FCG was not create to support single persons or companies financially, it was founded to support the medial awareness of german fashion design nationally and internationally and to give all possibilities of supporting to the german fashion designers.
What are the next steps?
Mandie Bienek, deputy chairman of the Fashion Council Germany talks about the big chances. “Since the announcement, we experienced a lot of demand. The fashion industries recognized the need of a national and intentional acting lobby which cares about the new german talents in fashion. With supporting the young people, we save the future of the fashion industry. Eventually it is about jobs and competitiveness – and that's what everyone should care about.”
The Fashion Council Germany is now online with a new website and you can also get all new informations by ordering their news letter.
More informations about the Fashion Council Germany: