The Berliner Mode Salon launched in january 2015 to support and strenghten sustainable the national and international awareness for fashion designed in Germany. They get together at the group exhibition and presentations of all collections as well as at the Defilees to support the exchange of designers, press and buyers.
We met Marcus Kurz, Co-Founder of the BERLINER MODE SALON to talk about Berlin as a fashion capital, chances at the BERLINER MODE SALON and the international support,
What specials do you see in the city berlin as new fashion capital?Berlin is the german figure head for creativity and it is popular for all the events and international guests. This aspect it just perfect to communicate german design from Berlin. That is why we should take the mission seriously to be the german stage for fashion design.
Which noticeable changes you recognized since the founding of the BERLINE MODE SALON?
Because of our great contacts in fashion industry and the special engagement of our partners we could place the german designers in stores all over the world. That is what I am really excited about. Fashion shows satisfy the creative claim of each designer, but fabrics, rents, workers, production- and travel costs are not getting paid by its own. The connection between buyers and the maintenance and support of german fashion design is the main aspect. With the credo we could impress a lot of brands for our concept. Now 41 designers of well known brands take places at the BERLINER MODE SALON. At the same time we include a showroom for the first time at the presence.
You traveled to Paris with the BERLIN MODE SALON – are there more destinations to present the showroom?
Definitely it would be very interesting to have the DBMS in different cities, but we are very prudent and think strategically. Markets like the US or Asia are very different. Because we plan everything together with the DBMS designers Paris was the next destination which makes a lot of sense. So we also decided for Paris in march.
How is the feedback from other countries about the BERLINER MODE SALON?
The feedback is mostly positive. We believe in the BERLINER MODE SALON and that we create a stage to satisfy the international fashion industry. That is why we will concentrate a lot more abroad.
What are you most looking forward during Fashion Week?
I am really looking forward to our outstanding design talents which we will present at the Kronprinzenpalais to a national and international audience. The passion of all involved persons is marvelous, to boost thelabel “ Designed in Germany”
More information about the BERLINER MODE SALON: