The blogger Katja Schweitzberger became known as editor in chief of the fashion blog "LesMads ". After Burda announced the end of the era " LesMads ", it was initially a mystery where Schweitzberger would work on next. She moved to one of the world's most successful online lifestyle magazines "Refinery29".
Refinery29.de is the first non-English-language edition of the successful company from the US and the second national edition in Europe. Now is also known that the team will work in Berlin.
Refinery29 will deal with topics like Beauty, Fashion, worldwide news and political news. The german team will be lead by director of Marketing und Operations Nora Beckerhaus and editor in chief Claudia Zakrocki.
The Lifestyle Magazine from New York sees the great potential in Berlin and wants to support the Lifestyle/Fashion industry in Berlin by working together with different talents and partners. Specially Katja Schweizberger will be resonsible to make design „made in Germany“ more visible for the reader: „There are so many different brands and designer in Germany which are a symbol for „made in Germany“. Germany is not famous when it comes to fashion brands. It’s mostly underrated. For many people in Germany Fashion is not imortant enough.“
For the next steps Refinery29 plans to have a higher amount of readers in Germany and therefore cooperates with Spiegel Online and Google Play Newsstand. The company has more than 25 million readers worldwide and 175 million users. The focus in germany is video and motion picture. For the launch in Berlin Refinery29 starts with interviews with German influencers for example Bonnie Strange.