Impressive shows from creative talents and brands: That is the BFW. But it is much more than that. In addition to all the shows, BFW offers space for small and large side events to facilitate an exchange about design and creativity, to offer designers a stage and to think the industry forward.
BFW is characterized by a number of formats that act as multipliers and offer a platform to a wide range of talents in a variety of ways. In our new series, we explain who is behind them and what makes them special.
We start with the "SEEK" format:
Interview with Marie-Luise Patzelt and Maren Wiebus, SEEK
Anyone who has visited SEEK knows the special vibe. SEEK is more than a fashion trade show. Since its inception in 2009, the SEEK community has embraced open communication, effective collaboration, and a friendly, almost familial togetherness. The carefully curated selection of modern classics, street and sportswear, denim, sneakers and shoes, accessories, lifestyle products, as well as niche and heritage brands has been unparalleled internationally since then. The "Conscious Club" showcases the most exciting sustainable brands and concepts – various content formats address what's currently important in the industry.
On July 2 and 3, SEEK takes place concurrently with Berlin Fashion Week at Station at Gleisdreieck, thus enriching Berlin as a significant draw for international buyers. We asked Marie-Luise Patzelt, Show Director, and Maren Wiebus, Creative & Event Director, for a behind-the-scenes look and wanted to know what visitors can particularly look forward to this season.
How would you explain to a six-year-old what SEEK is?
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
Here, buyers (yes, that’s actually a job) purchase for stores where your parents buy your clothes.
Maren Wiebus:
Like a party to trade Pokémon cards - but with clothes, for money.
What can visitors expect from the summer edition of SEEK?
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
Berlin. We are really looking forward to – and the visitors can look forward to – Berlin showing its best and especially its most diverse sides. It's important that the Berlin fashion scene comes together economically and creatively. For the first time, the most diverse platforms, shows, and events are taking place simultaneously. Together, we address the most diverse target groups, B2B and B2C. We entertain and inform. No other city in Germany offers so much freedom, inspiration, and future.
What are you personally looking forward to the most?
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
The people. We are incredibly fortunate to have been working with many of our exhibitors and visitors for more than 10 years, celebrating together and traveling the world. This is an absolute privilege – especially in this (also fast-paced) industry. Honesty, loyalty, and appreciation are the values that connect us.
And the fashion. And to touch on the topic of 'privilege' again: We, my team, our exhibitors, and visitors, get to deal with the beautiful things in life on a daily basis, professionally. Fashion is creativity, luxury (regardless of the budget), and emotion. I deliberately harp on the topic of privileges because I wish everyone in our industry would appreciate who and what we get to work with. The lightness and fun that come with this appreciation have been somewhat lost in recent years. I hope this next SEEK serves as a kind of positive and constructive reality check or wake-up call.
Maren Wiebus:
...and the class reunion feeling as everyone arrives, accompanying us through two jam-packed days. Not so much the feeling of coming back from a class trip when it's over. That's a mix of a loneliness hole and exhaustion paralysis.
The heart of SEEK is the particularly carefully curated brand mix. What matters to you in this regard?
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
The heart. And a lot of gut feeling. My team and I have been working (combined) for more than 50 years for SEEK as well as previous platforms like PREMIUM and many other formats, such as skateboarding trade shows, GenZ D2C festivals, classic ordering platforms in Munich and also Düsseldorf, as well as parties, promoting young designers up to visual merchandisers.
I think we can confidently say that we know people and fashion and bring the right fashion to the right people.
Is there a content program in July and/or new formats within SEEK?
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
We want to bring content back more to the floor and into the aisles. We, our visitors, and exhibitors struggle with 'frontal teaching'. We want to rethink content, make it more accessible, transparent, and above all, honest. We are aware of the current situation in the industry. Brands and stores are focusing on clear, measurable "Returns of Investments". For that, we need to initiate the right conversations. The conversations must be led by them themselves.
Sustainability has always been a lifestyle at SEEK - and the SEEKers. What's new in the Conscious Club?
Maren Wiebus:
The general mood means that for brands that also define their raison d'être as making things better than others, better than before, it is a challenge – and an opportunity. Consumption is changing, becoming more price-conscious. Even in the privileged spheres we are talking about here. The world is askew. That should mean – should have meant – prioritizing quality over quantity and developing respect for good products and their longevity is also a big communication topic that should really unite.
To fulfill our role as a guide and connector, we have deepened our cooperation with studioMM04 and Ivalo.com. All SEEK brands can fill out the questionnaire designed to validate which brands can become members of the SEEK Conscious Club. And get a detailed, individual report about where their own efforts fit in the grand context, plus recommendations for what the next steps could be.
We are the place to exchange ideas about achievements and aspirations, to boast about them and motivate new companions. Our on-site activities are meant to stimulate this in intimate moderated discussion rounds, on the stands, and in the aisles – and our alliances should help in forging new ones.
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
We would like to highlight the topic of sustainability in the coming SEEK also in relation to (business) relationships. It can't be done alone anymore – and certainly not for a long time with environmental issues. In sustainable relationships between, for example, wholesale and retail, there is still much potential. Appreciation is the key here.
What common values shape the SEEK community and how do you promote this friendly and friendly atmosphere?
Maren Wiebus:
Respect, integrity, openness, tolerance, realism, composure. Some things are currently easier, others hurt a bit, much still brings unbroken joy. It is important to us to channel the pressure that everyone undoubtedly has in these two SEEK days differently. Productive. Active. Motivating. Lighter. We're not operating on organs, we're making the world more beautiful. And that's really necessary right now!
What exactly are THE JUNCTION and UNION SHOWROOM in contrast to SEEK and how do these formats mutually enrich each other?
Maren Wiebus:
THE JUNCTION and UNION are more exclusive showroom concepts for very specific communities. Here, work is 'done away', i.e., ordered, exclusively by appointment.
This community and also the organizers are personally close to us and SEEK, and we accordingly build bridges to promote synergies. A good example of what we preach to our partners, exhibitors, and visitors: together is better than alone – and especially: better than against each other.
SEEK is taking place in July again parallel to Berlin Fashion Week. Can you explain the importance of this synergy for the industry? Why is it important from your point of view to forge alliances and pool strengths within the Berlin fashion scene?
Maren Wiebus:
There are many actors and ALL have some intersections. Working together is absolutely necessary and would, thought out and implemented consistently in the long term, mean a huge competitive advantage. Fashion is business. And a tough one at that. We need striking designs in modern and distinctive aesthetics on the runways, staged in powerful images and celebrated at exciting events just as much as commercially more comfortable ones. And all of this must then reach the end consumers, directly and indirectly via retail. Creativity without economic viability is not sustainable. The experience, knowledge, expertise located in our city's creative scene is a treasure. Not to use such a spatially close knowledge advantage would be a pity.
What is your forever most beautiful SEEK moment?
Maren Wiebus:
In these 14 SEEK years, many parties were celebrated quite hard. Many beautiful moments on dance floors and at or on bar counters! It gives us the greatest joy to bring people together – in good spaces and at large tables. Especially beautiful was and is to see friendships grow. Real connectedness that bears fruit. Meanwhile, there are many businesses and professional partnerships that have found each other, as well as SEEK babies.
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
Actually every season, as everyone gradually enters the location.
What can Berlin do that no other city can?
Maren Wiebus:
Berlin has its own unique flow, which invites you to drift, to shine, and to make a lot out of a little.
Marie-Luise Patzelt:
What Berlin can do depends on what it wants! It can actually do everything.
Accreditation and information: https://www.seek.fashion/en