Literally >>CUTTING EDGE<<

Christian Hartung, co-founder of VOJD Studios explained why 3D printing will redefine the luxury fashion industry!

VOJD Studios is the cutting-edge Berlin-based house creating 3D printed accessories and jewellery confronting perceptions of tradition and conformity. Capturing the technology of 3D printing with a vision to build a synergy between luxury and progression, the label combines the latest technological innovations with traditional quality craftsmanship to redefine the way Christian Hartung – the Co-founder of VOJD Studios, think about design and introduce a new aesthetic to the luxury fashion industry.

Hi Christian! Tell us something about VOJD Studios! What is the concept of your company?
The concept of VOJD Studios is to use 3D printing as not only means of manufacturing but as a mean of innovation, in order to bring something new which adds value at the same time.

Why you choose Berlin as location for starting your business?
Germany is one of the world market leaders in this area of technology, together with the US. Berlin is the city with the most creative scene, with the most international scene and with a relatively low cost of living, which makes starting a company much more easy and working in the creative industry which we are doing essentially the perfect fit for us.

What can we expect in the future?
What we are looking forward to is in general seeing more applications more types of products being realized with 3D printing but also innovation on the technology site in terms of new materials, lower costs, more versatile finishing processes.

Thank you Christian!

Want to learn more about 3D printing?

Other additive manufacturing companies based in Berlin:


Watch the full interview with Christian Hartung here:

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