Since 2007, twice a year, fashion designer from Berlin are showing their collections within the scope of Berlin Fashion Week. Since the beginning, sustainable fashion is a really important subject. Especially this area is growing more than ever before in the capital of Germany. Well established and young designers presenting self-confidently sustainable produced collections at high level.
Leading trade fair in this area is the Greenshowroom, which represents collections of more than 150 designer, this time taking place at the new location Funkhaus Berlin. This years focus is on retail. Central benchmark regarding the target group of retailers in this season is the retail area „NOW!“. The fair duet presents a draught surface which integrates sustainable fashion and lifestyle brands into conventional assortments.
The area shows a Shop-in-Shop-concept which can be stocked by retail dealers on a variable surface, individually equipped. With this, the Greenshowroom and the Ethical Fashion show Berlin are acting as an idea giver – with the aim: to enable retailers an easier access on the subject of sustainable product worlds and to motivate for a contemporary presentation in own store.
Today at the TW Fair Fashion Summit, experts discuss the topic “how to earn money with green fashion”. The panel discussion will be organized by TextilWirtschaft in cooperation with BTE Handelsverband Textil and takes place for the first time at the exhibition duos trade fair ground. The formats will be extended in the location Berlin every season and put main focuses for the retail trade and generate attention on the subject also for the end customer.
The fact that “green fashion” is no longer deemed to be an unfashionable topic, is proved by creative and exceptional collections from young designers, supported and promoted by different institutions. Thus, for the first time in this season, a mentoring programme for sustainable producing designers was brought to life by the senate management for economy, energy and companies as well as the Fashion Council Germany. The winner labels of the mentoring programme BENU Berlin and Philomena Zanetti will presenting their collections at Greenshowroom and within the scope of Berliner Mode Salons Prêt-a-Porter presentations.
Sustainable fashion gains fame.
Looking at the innovations which are introduced on the FashionTech conference at premium Group, its recognizable that innovation is often treated equally with sustainability. Research and development concentrates here not only on Smart Wearables, which makes the everyday life more comfortably and luminous, but on developments above all, the materials concerning which support sustainability. Paradigm for this is Lusi Ajonjoli, biotechnical designer and leader of TheLab at ElectroCouture, who creates new materials from bio waste and other organic substances which are dyed with black tea and shaped by lasercut.
All this, is still very much futuristic or in the development stage, however, it ss only a small step away from the consumer. To reach a re-thinking in consumers minds, is just a small step at this point. To strengthen exactly this consciousness, not only in the retail trade, but also with the final consumer, the Fairly Fashion guide has brought to life by Dr. Gisela Burckhardt from FEMNET inc. and Prof. Friederike from Wedel-Parlow of the Beneficial design institutes. The Fashion Fair Guide reveals the causes of fashion industry, one of the biggest industries worldwide.
Vivid graphics provide explanations, give insights into production processes and materials and give tips for fair consumption. Also interviews with representatives of different enterprises, like Elin Larson, Sustainability manager by Filippa K, explaining object and solution attempts in an understandable and catchy way. A meaningful project to Sustainable Fashion in stylish way. The project is promoted by the Federal Chancellor for economic cooperation and development.
Not only fashion but also a change of mindset that concerns our future is rising in Berlin.
© Fashion Fair Guide / http://www.fairfashionguide.de/
Ethical Fashion Show Berlin
Fair Fashion Guide